The nineteenth North South Ministerial Council Tourism Sectoral meeting was held in the NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, on 24 June 2024

Date published: 24 June 2024

The nineteenth North South Ministerial Council Tourism Sectoral meeting was held in the NSMC Joint Secretariat Offices, Armagh, on 24 June 2024. The meeting was attended by Conor Murphy MLA, Minister for the Economy, Pam Cameron MLA, Junior Minister, The Executive Office, and Catherine Martin TD, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. Minister Murphy chaired the meeting.

The Council noted the report on Tourism Ireland’s activity since the last NSMC Tourism meeting, and its role to support the recovery of the tourism industry following the Covid-19 pandemic. Ministers also noted Tourism Ireland’s continued focus on embedding sustainability in its marketing activities.

The NSMC noted the outcome of the review of the work programme for the Tourism Sector, and agreed an addendum to the work programme. The Council welcomed the Joint Ministerial Statement supporting Sustainable Tourism and agreed the establishment of a Joint Strategic Coordination Group to identify and examine opportunities that will support the sustainable growth of the tourism sector across the island.

The Joint Communiqué is available to view here

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